The Offender Solutions Series of 100% Online Classes
Offender Solutions® is a professional online education service for juveniles and adults. Our online classes are accepted by courts, schools and employers nationwide - Guaranteed!
Our goal is to provide honest and accurate information to our class participants. Offender Solutions® programs were designed by Masters level counselors and practitioners with over 30 years experience in the fields of probation and parole. When we say no lectures and no judgments, we mean it!
For Professionals Who Refer
Evidence-Based Practices in Online Learning
The U.S. Department of Education conducted a meta-analysis and review of online learning studies and concluded,
"The meta-analysis found that, on average, students in online learning conditions performed modestly better than those receiving face-to-face instruction."
The study is called Evaluation of Evidence-Based Practices in Online learning. A Meta-Analysis and Review of Online Learning Studies.
Appropriate Offender Solutions® Referrals
Of course you can refer any person you would like. However, as a guideline, we suggest you think of Offender Solutions® for offenders who are "average", typical or first time offenders. As you well know, we are more likely to be successful with the less hardened, serious or chronic offenders. (Though we actually like working with the high risk and/or chronic offender.) We try to make all of our materials readable at the 5th grade level. If the person has a mental illness or is cognitively impaired we do not recommend a referral.
Offender Solutions® Referral Forms
Making a referral? This is a subject we know something about. With our experience in the field of parole and probation we know that making a referral is all too often more work than is necessary. We try hard to make it easy.
We have a few different Referral Forms which you might find useful.
Click HERE to see our REFERRAL FORMS Page.
Our Referral Forms are intended to be a convenience to you. You can simply hand the form to the person being referred and they will have instructions on what to do and how to do it.
Simply open or download the referral form, print and hand it to the offender.
Easy enough?
Confirming Client Completion
When a person completes the class, they are issued a Completion Certificate to present to you.
Feel free to contact Offender Solutions® to confirm client completion or status.
You can also ask Offender Solutions® to send a Certificate of Completion directly to you, (mail, e-mail or FAX). Our Certificates of Completion are extremely difficult to duplicate. For additional security, if we mal it to you, it is always embossed with our logo.
Ask your client any of 10 questions to confirm s/he was the one who took the class. Contact Offender Solutions® for a copy of "Ten Questions", with answers. (This is protected information - identity confirmation required.).
Security Questions
Offender Solutions® asks a security question and obtains an answer to validate client identity and, at random times contacts the clients to confirm the security answer. You can ask our security question too. Contact Offender Solutions® to obtain the security question and answer. (This is protected information - identity confirmation required.)
Our Support Services
Offender Solutions® offers support services 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Our hours are typically from 7am to 10pm. We do not use an answering service and we are USA based. Clients and Referral Sources are encouraged to communicate issues, concerns or make requests.
Please be aware that some people who take our classes will try to claim that either our Learning Management System (LMS) didn't work or that we didn't offer help. Feel free to check with us to verify the story being told.
If You Would Like to Take a Class
We do periodically have agency personell ask if one of our classes could be taken as a means of exercising due dilligence about quality, etc. The answer is absolutley YES we will do that for you. Please be aware that our classes work much like a puzzel, meaning the full impact (full picture) can't be known until completion. It does take self discipline to takeand complete of our classes. It is time consuming.
Evidence Based Research
David Royse and Steven Buck, in Journal of Offender Rehabilitation published "Evaluating a Diversion Program for First-Time Shoplifters". They found that 4% of the people who complete a diversion program re-offend and, equally as importantly, that 25% of the people who do not complete a diversion program re-offend (v17 n1-2 p147-58 1991). Such a staggering difference is remarkable.
What doesn't work?: Edward Latessa, Ph.D. Center for Criminal Justice Research says, "Most researchers who study correctional interventions have concluded without some form of human intervention or services there is unlikely to be much effect on recidivism from punishment alone." Further, "Not a single reviewer of studies of the effects of official punishment alone (custody, mandatory arrests, increased surveillance, etc.) has found consistent evidence of reduced recidivism."Using research and evidence based interventions is essential, not only to demonstrate the effectiveness of our programs but also, ethically. Our position is that we have a mission critical responsibility to provide the best, evidence based services possible.
What does work?: The research community and virtually all of the relevant journals, overwhelming demonstrate the Offender Solutions® curricula which: a) uses education and, b) follows a cognitive restructuring or cognitive behavior modification model, will provide statistically significant change (results).
Simply stated, Offender Solutions® maintains a fundamental belief that all clients must be treated respectfully and are seeking a better life. Our approach is to help them assess their own attitudes, values and beliefs. The research indicates that the Offender Solutions® cognitive model develops an awareness that results in an attitude change and subsequent pro-social beliefs and behaviors. The data also shows that these changes occur across male and female, juvenile and adult and among low, medium and high risk offenders.
Offender Solutions®, as an agency, has a research, criminal justice and counseling psychology background. All staff are supervised by a Masters level Counseling Psychologist. We are comprised of staff and consultants from a variety of disciplines including parole, probation, psychology, social work, counseling, corrections, and a research analyst.
P.S. Please read our client testimonials below or see a full list on our testimonials page.
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Shoplifting / Theft / Petty Larceny
Shoplifting is not a victimless crime. It has a big impact on every business owner (large and small) and every consumer. It results in higher prices for consumers and reduced purchase power; decreased retail store profit and survivability; and through store closings, subsequent retail employee job losses.
The 2009 shoplifting statistics are staggering. Nationwide, shoplifting is one of the most common criminal charges among juveniles and adults alike. The National Association for Shoplifting Prevention reports that 1 in 11 Americans shoplift, 75 percent adults, 25 percent under the age of 18. It is estimated that 615,000 shoplifting incidences occur every day in the United States. CBS News reports shoplifting to costs stores $35 million every day.
CNN reports store thefts increased in 2009 for the first time in six years with over $36 billion lost. Shoplifters neglect to consider the impact they have on retailers' bottom line and subsequent increased costs for everyone at the register. To help pay for losses, enhanced security with surveillance and loss prevention personnel, shoppers can expect these increased security costs to be passed on in price increases as theft rates (and costs) continue to rise. National statistics show shoplifting rates escalating during the holiday season and into the New Year, a critical time when retailers normally expect to account for up to 50 percent of their total annual sales.
The Global Retail Theft Barometer 2010 reports "One year after the sharp 2009 spike in shrinkage, shrinkage has fallen by -5.6% as retailers put almost 10% more funds into security and loss prevention. Total global shrinkage (stock loss from crime or waste expressed as a percentage of retail sales) cost retailers and the public US$ 107.3 billion , equivalent to 1.36% of their retail sales." Further, they report that global cost of crime per family (household) was $185.59. More Key Findings from the Global Retail Theft Barometer 2010
From a client:
I cannot thank you enough for your prompt responses and attention to this matter. You have been exceptional in your support and I appreciate your professionalism.
Margaret B
From a client:
I have a comment I would like to share. I have just completed your course and I would like to tell you how much I learned from this course. I am a 54 year old professional that made a error in judgement in a Worker's Compensation case. I had the attitude as you described in the course of "its not hurting anyone"....Your lessons brought me back into my childhood and made me remember how many people "I hurt" ..For this I thank you and you have changed my life. "I DO CARE"
Gary G
From a client:
I just completed my course, I guess I just want to go over what I did learn and what I'm still struggling with.
I would be lying if I said I didn't learn anything, and I would also be lying if I said it wasn't still hard for me to have thoughts of stealing. I suppose it will take time and practice at becoming a normal human again before these thoughts go away. I have not stolen since taking your class and I honestly have changed my thinking about it.
When I was caught, I did not care. That being said whether I cared at the time or not, I still carried around the weight that what I was doing was wrong. I felt really bad inside about the selfish person that I had become. (my eyes are pretty welled up right now)
What I didn't expect from this course was that it would bring back values I used to believe in. A reminder of who I truly am inside. That feels really good and I do want to thank you guys. I do feel like I could use some support to continue to make good choices.
Thank you again, Sincerely Amanda
From a client:
By the way, I really found the information to be eye-opening. Like so much of it was dead on exactly I used to think of things BEFORE I understood the reasoning behind why we think the way we do and what effects it has on us. My biggest take-away was that in order to "stop" from stealing I need to stop the mental rehearsing. I never noticed how much I really did do "mental rehearsing" until I read that chapter. Once I thought about it, I realized I mentally rehearse on a daily basis. That's the biggest thing I am going to do to ensure I never get in the situation or hurt anyone else ever again. So anyway, just wanted to say that before I took the class I didn't think I needed it ... now that I took it I am very thankful I had an open-mind while reading it because I learned a lot about myself. I am confident the tools I learned really will help me in the future.
Thanks! Daniel
From a client:
"On a personal note, I would like to thank you for your counseling and efforts in helping people like me. This has been a very difficult 9 months and without the support of friends (you included!), I would not have been able to handle otherwise
I think your job is truly amazing and inspiring - please continue your great work. I will certainly take your advice in the future. If there is any day that you are discouraged or have a difficult case to counsel, take a deep breath and realize that there is a person in Singapore, many miles away who think you are doing a good job and your efforts are indeed worth it!
It's kind of strange that I will not be receiving e-mail from you any more as this have become my weekly routine! All the best to you and family"
Signing off
From a client
I just completed the Adult Theft on-line course. I did not realize the impact my actions had. Your course opened up my thought process to understand the necessary mental tools to keep me from stealing again. Even though it is all up to me and the choices I make in life, I want to thank you for addressing the perspective of how others are affected by my theft actions. As I was reading the lesson, I remembered a time in my adolescent life where our home was robbed and how violated and unsafe I felt. I can now empathize with the people I affected and impacted. I have always been active in my church. Since my arrest I have drawn closer to God and have been volunteering more to care and assist others who are not as fortunate as myself. This was all self directed. When I was going through the Caring lesson and noticed I now care for people more than I did and I ask myself "I could never steal from the church or its members". I need to start thinking this for everyone, not only the people I know. Thanks for giving me reason to improve my life...
From a client
Hello. Wow, I just figured out my bad choices in people and why I am here. Your class made me have many different feeling's overcome me. Make's no difference this class was amazing for so many reasons. It has opened my eyes to so much and I will come back if I have question's. So obvious the hard work, time thought etc. put into this class. Myself being A.D.D with no medication last couple years had a lot of frustration, but knowing I had to go back till I got it right in my head has been so worth it! Thank You To All Of You or You that put so much effort and care into this class. I hope to keep as much as I am capable of in my memory bank. Lord knows I have enough note's to go back on.
Thank you,
Rhonda G.
Select Your Classes
Our Philosophy
Change your thoughts and you change your world.
~Norman Vincent Peale
(1898 - 1993)
Your Online Class
It's Fast - Go at your own pace!
We're less expensive
- sign up now.Offender Solutions® is a professional online service for juvenile and adult offenders.
Judges, probation officers, schools, mental health professionals, parents, etc. can refer clients to the Offender Solutions® online classes.
Individuals who feel they have a problem may also choose to participate on their own initiative. There are two ways to take the class: 1) online, 2) workbook (by mail)
(click icon for details)
Certificate Immediately
Yes, your Certificate of Completion will be immediately available.
Each chapter of our classes is activated upon completion of the previous one. Once the last chapter has been completed your Certificate of Completion is activated and immediately available for you. Most people simply print their own certificate but, if you want an embossed Certificate, no problem, no charge- just ask!
Upon request, we can email, mail or fax your certificate to any person you request. Be careful, others charge a Certificate embossing fee and/0r a "Report" fee. We have no added fees.
Why Our Online Class?
24 hour / 7 day a week access
100% online
Nationwide acceptance
Much less expensive
No added fees
Immediate Proof of Enrollment
Nothing to download
No delays - Start now
Support 7 days a week
Work at your own pace
Start and stop at any time
No appointment necessary
Use home computer or
Use school or public library
No embarrassing groups
Broken down into6 or 7 chapters
Easy to understand
Green - No driving, no gas
A world class learning experience
User friendly
Free Certificate of Completion
Certificate immediately available
Money back guarantee
** Also available as a workbook