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I believe this course has changed my life, and would not hesitate to refer others.
I have a comment I would like to share. I have just completed your course and I would like to tell you how much I learned from this course. I am a 54 yr old professional that made a error in judgement in a Worker's Comp case. I had the attitude as you described in the course of "its not hurting anyone"....Your lessons brought me back into my childhood and made me remember how many people "I hurt" ..For this I thank you and you have changed my life. "I DO CARE"
Gary G
I just completed my course, I guess I just want to go over what I did learn and what I'm still struggling with.
I would be lying if I said I didnt learn anything, and I would also be lying if I said it wasn't still hard for me to have thoughts of stealing. I suppose it will take time and practice at becoming a normal human again before these thoughts go away. I have not stolen since and I honestly have changed my thinking about it.
I do feel very bad about what I did.
When I was caught, I did not care. I mean I can honestly say when I turned around and saw LP behind me I just rolled my eyes, went back in the store and was like yeah yeah yeah just give me my citation so I can go. I became more worried when the reality that I was going to court and this would be on my record kicked in. That being said whether I cared at the time or not, I still carried around the weight that what I was doing was wrong. I felt really bad inside about the selfish person that I had become. (my eyes are pretty welled up right now)
What I didnt expect from this course was that it would bring back values I used to believe in. A reminder of who I truly am inside. That feels really good and I do want to thank you guys. I do feel like I could use some support to continue to make good choices.
Thank you again,
Hello.Wow, I just figured out my bad choices in people and why I am here. Your class made me have many different feeling's overcome me. Make's no difference this class was amazing for so many reasons. It has opened my eyes to so much and I will come back if I have question's. So obvious the hard work, time thought etc. put into this class. Myself being A.D.D with no medication last couple years had a lot of frustration, but knowing I had to go back till I got it right in my head has been so worth it! Thank You To All Of You or You that put so much effort and care into this class. I hope to keep as much as I am capable of in my memory bank. Lord knows I have enough note's to go back on.
This course is all what I needed and I learn a lot. Everything what a read was new, great stories and I develop feeling that I didn\'t know that I had. Sometimes the stories or statements make me cry and realize how wrong I was. I have learn about myself. I would like to read more about others people experiencies it will be interesting it does not metter will take longer every module. Thank you
I like many others before myself thought that I knew that I had done something wrong and that no one or anything else would make me understand better, I was wrong. This course explained so many things to me. Each chapter was a new realization and understanding. I learned the most in chapter 6.
I was very impressed with this class. I was very challenged by the course material. Not that its hard, just that it forces you to read, re-read, and think. Ultimately leading you to become part of the message! Thanks for reminding me what it means to be Human.
This course met my needs and exceeded them. This course was not just a course on theft, it made me think about myself and really look deep into what I have done and the affects of my actions. The course was great!
I want to let you know that Chapter 6 is my most favorite chapter so far (it did really hit me through my heart with goose bumps). Chapter 6 tackles so many issues that are so close to my heart with my personal belief. Chapter 6 is so well written that no one can argue the sincerity of the person who wrote this chapter. Also, it is very well thought of, it is sensitive to any ones belief, and at the same it breaks my heart (and any reader) because of the genuineness of the writer. I still have the last chapter to do but I can honestly tell you that this class is so powerful (both emotionally and mentally to me) that makes everything now so clear, which will make me think twice before making my (good) choices to do things the way I did (wrong choices) previously. The words that the writer use in this chapter is so influential that I can always hear it behind my brain and is like the song in Chapter 3 stuck in my brain that keep on replaying back and forth.
[Regarding the Chapter on] Punishment another good on. This may actually be the most valuable piece of information I have ever read. This is not just applicable in my own life but in understanding dealings with children, understanding others' behavior and even watching politics. I think I have always intuitively known these facts, but to read them spelled out was very powerful. You did make your point and I agree completely.
I am really enjoying the class way more than I thought. Even though I have held that the meds disoriented me and even the doctors agreed, I am now thinking that I had some bad thoughts in my head or I wouldn't have stolen. I wouldn't have taken my clothes off and run through the streets. Why did I take the items? Why did I pay for most of them?
This was one of the most beneficial classes I have ever taken. it gave me a broad view and changed my views on things, not only on stealing, but on a variety of levels. I would highly recommend to anyone in need of counseling for this matter. I learned alot of new stuff that I didn't before, and it helped me to be a better person, and certainly more wise too. 27 year old Female
I have one word to describe it :AWESOME! 16 year old Female
Surprisingly, this class did have a positive impact on my life . I came into this class with the attitude of I'm only here because I have to be and don't care about what you have to say because I didn't think I have a problem. I just hadn't put it in perspective until I started taking this class. Other people besides myself were affected by my decisions, and I learned that after class. 32 year old Male
This course was great. A lot better then what I expected. I learned a great deal of things that I can apply to all aspects of my life and to this experience. Thanks. 48 year old Female
I feel this course was meaningful and made me think about what I did. Also it helped me to prevent making the same mistake in the future. I learned well with the individual chapters and the stories helped as well. The experienced turned out much better than expected. Thank you. 61 year old Male
I didn't think I would learn about anything because it was only my first time committing a crime but I learned so so much!. 19 year old Female
Thank you so much for everything. I have a new found knowledge that I will treasure forever. 36 year old Female
I think this class should be court ordered for any offender. I have learned a lot. This course did meet my needs. I learned a lot of new stuff. To be truth full, I thought this class was going to be boring, and that it was going to cover stuff that I all ready new. But I was proven wrong. I thank you guys. 28 year old Male
This class was relevant, creative and got right to the source. It made me truly think about WHY I did what I did, and how to stop that destructive behavior. I would highly recommend this class to anyone! 51 year old Male
The CLASS WAS GREAT, I mean I literally don’t have enough words to describe the learning that I gain from taking the class all the stories were great and I related to them very well I have learn that the thinking that a person undergoes before they steal will affect on what they do I also manage to attain this type of thinking to manage myself from doing any of these things. My suggestions are none yet but if you guys find a better way to improve the program I will highly would like to know, also the course is great as it is.
The literary voice is good (it is irritating to feel like someone anticipates all your questions and concerns and that is part of why the writing style is effective). The stories personalize the lessons, and contain current enough details (i.e. modern technology is mentioned) to be relevant. The questions in both the lesson text and in the test remain in-line with the lesson, reinforcing it. The questions are usually clear. My counselor, Lisa, is wonderful! Her encouragement kept me motivated. I appreciated her availability.
My experience with Offender solutions was awesome cuz now I don't even feel tempted. I am so glad that i took this course cause it was very well constructed and it taught me things that I never new. It got me to think and to question myself.
Offender Solutions is indeed an excellent program. I sensed a new feeling inside me that I can control my choices. It opened my eyes and a clear picture came in front of me and made me ashamed of myself. Marc's bicycle story is so touchy. I came to know about the importance of values and manners.
All of the lessons are very well explained and understood by the best impressive and interesting examples given with each lesson. I never been taught and thought about what I was doing by my selfish acts. I wish I could have learnt about this program long time before I started but it is never too late. I am grateful to the author of the book and his guidance and teaching to help people like me who really need help. After reading all the chapters I learnt a new lesson, now I really want to obtain life's pleasures and don't want to be sinner. I realized after understanding the teaching
Since I started this course I followed the strategies mentioned in each lesson especially specific Techniques to stop Mental Rehearsing are working very well for me.
This class did help me a lot in changing my thinking with the examples of Mental Rehearsing. The course is certainly a very effective study and I will recommend this course to everybody who needs help. I wish you can add more lessons to this course and some mental exercises for the students will be helpful.
Thank you so much for helping me getting rid of disgusting disease. I feel a new person now as I am determined to not commit crimes again. I am in control of my choices. It was indeed a great help. Now I am a new person. This is an excellent study course I ever came across. I highly recommend this program to all the people who need help like me.
Thank you very much i learned a lot about myself and others during this program.
I want to thank you for helping me realize so many thing that I didn't know before. I needed to learn and get a push in the right direction to get where I need to be.
I learned a lot from your class. My husband took an 8 hour course and it was TERRIBLE. They did not teach them anything in the class just BS'd the whole time and it was useless....very sad to know that there are many out there that really need help and they are not getting it through that course. My husband would have benefited from your course and was really disappointed that he got nothing out of the other class. The good thing is that I chose to share all of your material with him and shared with him what I learned from your course.
This course more than met my needs, I learned more than I ever imagined that I would. The information on this course is priceless to me and you can be sure that whether I feel someone might need it or not, I will recommend it. If I had known all of this and understood the consequences of my actions sooner, I am
more than 100% sure that I would have never done what I did.
Thank you so much for everything. I have a new found knowledge that I will treasure forever.
I found Offender Solutions very helpful. I really enjoyed the readings. I thought that they had a lot of really great insights, and helped me understand how to solve my problem. The questions were very simple, often one word answers, but I felt that the main portion of the course were the readings. They really helped me a lot.
Offender Solutions taught me alot. It made me understand. I learned the thinking process a person goes through (Cops and Robbers), I learned what a license is. Taking this course made me not want to commit crimes anymore because I thought I cared about people. Now I know what it means to care.
I think this is a GREAT course. Very informative, very helpful. I definitely learned a lot. Thanks for everything. I have no suggestions, it was all good.
When I was apprehended for shoplifting (again) after just completing a diversion course within the past 6 months, I was panic stricken and felt that there was no hope for me. As I mentioned in one of my assignments, I did not want to get caught, but I knew I would and deep down I think I really wanted to get caught. I wanted help. I needed help. However, it was quite obvious that my last diversion course was not effective enough for me. It was a group setting, with 12 people, from all walks of life, various reasons for shoplifting, but I could not relate to anyone there. There was not one person I could identify with. Even though I was in that course with all these people, I still felt alone with my issues. Because it was a group setting, individual attention was not really on the agenda, other than basic overviews of each of our situations. Offender Solutions was exactly right for me.
Although this course was completely absent of a classroom, I learned more about myself as a person reading the literature and answering truthfully on paper. Offender Solutions was a very rewarding experience for me. I thank you for being supportive and giving me encouraging words surrounding my homework. Whatever the future holds for me, as far as legal issues, I have learned so much about myself and positive ways in which I can have a better outlook on life and others that are in it.
I am very grateful I found your course, because, to be honest, our courts are so full of people that that I am very surprised that there is not more of a support system in place for offenders, other than the "punishment" of fines, community service and jail. There does not seem to be very many diversion programs available.
I would recommend your course to any person who has commited a crime or even had just thought about it. It has opened my eyes and heart to how I have been wrongly living my life.
I agree with your philosophy, and if I live up to everything that I have written, I am way further ahead than when I first began this course.
I did not take this course specifically to make my criminal charges lessen, although that would be nice, I wanted help to identify my problem and Offender Solutions helped me with that. I do not know if it is in your practice to follow up with clients after a period of time, but I think that would be an area that would be helpful for me. Not quite as regimented as a probation officer but more like a support person. But I guess, that is what therapists are for!! Anyway, just a thought.
I think it was wonderful and I really appreciate the fact that you have this programm. .This course very much met my need thank you.
This course was awesome! I learned so much, and see things in a complete different perspective. I was so happy that it didn't take days to get a response back. This class is going to meet my deadline, which was the one thing that I feared the most. I don't think that anything needs to be improved.
I appreciate my experience with Offender Solutions. Due to my own reactions to my offense, I delayed taking a class. I am very thankful that I was able to find something that suited my needs regarding time constraint, as well as the method of the class. I think that this class was helpful, and I learned that my crime was not a "spur of the moment" thing that I had considered it to be. I also learned that there is much more involved in my crime than the action itself, and how it involes many aspects of your life. All in all, and given the situation, I thought the class was helpful, and I like the setup of it. I have no ideas for improvement, expect that some of the readings were quite lengthy, but when you're trying to teach a lesson, I understand that that can not necessarily be helped.
I thank you very much for your help in this, I know that I will be learning from this for many years to come.
Thank you for teaching me so very much! And for listening to me when I rambled on and probably didn't make much sense. I'm glad I found your program and I hope that others do as well. The only thing I could suggest is make it longer.... I learned so much, but feel like I could learn a lot more. Hopefully I can find a counselor in my area that will actually want to listen (so far most counselors I've tried don't want to hear about issues or even talk about them) to me.
Yes I learned from this program, and reinforced many positive ways of thinking. This class has given me a great deal of insight.
Offender Solutions teaches you by using examples to teach you about the types of thinking so you may realize the importance of stopping it in the future. You focus on thinking that people have and use to make their decisions. A person must be willing to change by acceptance of understanding your own thought process. Helping the offender understand their thinking, can change the way the issue is viewed and, accelerate empathy development.
I'm glad to have taken the Correspondence class. I've learned a lot of new things I didn't know before. It has been helpful. THANK YOU Offender Solutions !
To be honest.. this was probably as good as, if not better than any class i took in college... very enlightening... the material was awesome... I learned so much.. THANK YOU SO MUCH!
I honestly thought this E-class is very helpful and informative. I learned a lot from the class that no one had ever told me before. I realized how my action could end up hurting a lot of people and decided to stop from now on. This course pretty much covered everything that I need to know about stealing and the consequences and how it's not too late, I can still turn the wheel and heading toward a positive direction in my life.
Surprisingly, I learned a lot from this class. I am glad I signed up rather than going to through the county. I learned a lot about myself and how to create actions that will help me care about others on a day-to-day basis. I highly applaud the author of the materials. He has a real grasp on the mentality of criminals. I am a better all around person for taking this class. I cannot recommend anything else. However, If you have more of his readings, please forward them to me. thank you.
I was thoroughly satisfied with the online class. It was efficient, fast, and at my own pace. I gave my due date (which was only 5 days away), and was able to get a super-fast response so that I could be sure and get the class completed within my alotted time. That was great! I learned many things about the way people think and why the thoughts cause wrong behavior, and how to control and correct it. I really think the class is wonderful! I am going to be sure to tell my probation officer to refer others to this online class because my experience was so powerful and exceptionally fabulous!
My experience in Offender Solutions is so so. I really had nothing touch me & make me really feel like I learned something. This class just really made me think why am I playing these games with myself & going through this process & looking like a delinquent.
Overall I learned alot about myself. I like how this class let's you go at your own pace. It's very conveniate. I also like how this cousre didn't judge me, it showed me how i was wrong by commiting the crime. I would recommend this class to anyone.
I don't think this course needs improvement, It helped a lot and I learned a lot, the reading consumed time, but was worth it because of all that I learned. I feel that the course met my personal needs (let's hope my probation officer agrees!! **joke**) I enjoyed my experience, thank you so much Offender Solutions...you really helped...REALLY!
This class was a very good experience for me. I learned a lot. This class made me think about life and how I value everything in it.
Yes, I did learn a lot about how how your mind is thinking when your about to commit a crime. I also really liked the stories insted of just a write out of why not to do it, it brought real life to this program. Thank You.
I thought this was a very interesting course , and it does make you stop and think about all the information that it delivers. I find that now since taking your course I stop to think of my answers to questions . My behavior toward my fellow man or woman physically,emotionally or financially) is against all morals of a true human being. I can say that it backs up all that I have been doing to not ever do this again. I truly want to thank you for all the information and the help that you have given to me. I am hoping that this will be the last time ever to use this course.
Actually I got a lot out of this. When I went into it I was doing it so I didn't get punished further. These classes really made me realize how much I really do care about people. Since my incident I honestly haven't felt too much remorse. Most for myself though. However I do care and I want to make things right. It is to late to do it from this experience but when temptations comes sneaking up on me now I am going to think of what I learned here rather than what is going to happen if I get caught.
Thank you very much for the class I appreciate everything and your time. It really did help me and changed my way of looking at things so much different, I appreciate you effort and help, it was nice to have you as a counselor. Thank You
I enjoyed this progam, i do believe that the corse did meet my needs and I did learn a few new things from the program like different ways that people think and act in certain situations and how to look out for thinking those ways which could ulitimately lead to me crime again, but because i can recognize that type of thinking i can prevent myself from doing those things.
The reading in this course was a little long but at the same time it was easy to read because I had a quality that kept your attention. Any one could relate to the information that was provided even if they don't have a crime problem. I think this course is well put together and does what it is meant to do. I can't offer any suggestions on how to make it better.
Overall, my experience with Offender Solutions has been really positive. My advisor was helpful, the readings were informative and the class was low-stress but high-impact. I feel like the class served its purpose very well and now I can move forward with my life with confidence and new knowledge.
This course was great. Alot better then what I expected. I learned a great deal of things that i can aply to all aspects of my life and to this experience. Thanks.
If a person is serious about learning about their mistakes and truly wants to change. this program is something that I believe works. I am most grateful that I have llearned what It takes to make the right chooices, ones that when I look in the mirror I like what I see.
First of all, thank you so much Offender Solutions for your time and consideration. Without people like you who are willing to help me, I wouldn't know as much as what I know now. This program really changed me, I learned tremendous amount of information to guide me through life. I definitely would want to learn more. If it wasn't for the court date, I would be willing to go on a longer session. What was a hint before has been magnified triple times in my mind, that is what Offender Solutions taught me. Offender Solutions taught me what caring is, what hurt is, what time is, what money is. Offender Solutions taught me that i'm in control of my life, that I make the choices, and that I can be a better person if I'm willing to be. Offender Solutions emphasize on the things that are important to learn in life. For improvement, I think the program should provide more information. For a person like me eager to learn, I wanted to learn even more, I wanted to read more. Unfortunately, I don't have a computer to accomodate my reading more often, but it'd be nice to have more information given. Again, thank you Offender Solutions for everything! Keep up the good work!
This experience enabled me to take a wider view of my actions and how it affects others. It really puts into plain context the choices that you need to make in life. It opens the way to a realization of the choices that is available and how to make those choices properly by weighing everything around you.
What I got from all these readings is that Offender Solutions belives that the tools you learned from this course are more powerful than punishment. Understanding the kind of thinking that preceeds the action can help you identify behaviors that lead to the acation. This course also helps you understand the consequences of your actions and how it effects others lives. The education this course gives you can be a more powerful deterant than punishment. The only comment I have on this course is that it exceeded my expectations and held my intrest and definately helped me. I dont think you guys need to change a thing
The course met my needs and taught me a lot about myself and my actions.Offender Solutions taught me how my actions have an impact on others and how I can change my bad behaviors. I thought that Offender Solutions was an excellent program.
Offender Solutions is the best program! If the person sits down and actually puts in some effort they will not only learn about the facts but more importantly themselves. I wouldn't change a thing!
Yes this course met my needs. I feel that this is a good way to take this class. I feel Offender Solutions employees where very prompt and very customer oriented. For someone like me who is always on the go I think that is a very import quality. As long as you guys stay responsive to your clients then I can not see any improvements that needs to be made.
I think this class should be court ordered for any offender. I have learned a lot. This course did meet my needs. I learned a lot of new stuff. To be truth full, I thought this class was going to be boring, and that it was going to cover stuff that I all ready new. But I was proven wrong. I thank you guys.
I learned alot of things in this course I really wasnt expecting to learn. It was very intersting to compare the different thought process of an individual involved in theft. As far as I can tell no improvements are really necessary in the class.
This program helped me a lot. It helped me understand step by step that there is a process to get through to truly understand what I did and just how much I put my family as well as the people at Bay through. Thank you for you help and for your time, it is very much appreciated. Thank you again.
I have Learned so much through this program and I cant thank you enough. I believe that this is the best program out there to help people understand what all goes on when a person commits a crime. I learned so much about thinking and like I say your program has helped me so much I feel that I could be a counselor I learned so much. I have not suggestions for improvement you do such a wonderful job and I cant thank you enough. Thank you again.
I hope by now you have been able to see alittle of my personality come through in my writings. i took this course very seriously. i found it very helpful and most insightful. i learned many new ways of thinking and my process of thinking. learning different patterns and how to break them and make them. i would encourage any one to take this class. it is very good.
This course met my needs. I learned a lot of useful information from this program. There program really met all my needs and would recommend it to anyone that needed help with any theft problems.
This was in informative course because I learned about how the mind of a offender works. I can use the same lessons and techniques in other aspects of my life. This on-line course is a good service that saves time for working people. I would recommend it as an educational tool for parents, teens, security personnel, law enforcement and counselors.
This course was great. Way more effective I feel than 6 hours spent in a classroom doing cheesy exercises or roleplays with other students. I had time to read and consider the ideas at my own pace. I don't really know how I'd change the course. Some of the anecdotes were a little long. Or in some chapters, one too many examples was used to beat it into my head, but it wasn't really annoying, it just took longer to read than necessary. I learned everything I needed to know to keep me from committing crimes from now on. Thank you so much.
This class was relevent, creative and got right to the source. It made me truly think about WHY I did what I did, and how to stop that destructive behavior. I would highly recommend this class to anyone!
I learned more about myself taking this class than I ever imagined. Throughout this course,I put myself on the other side of the story and because of that I have learned more than I thought I could. This course met way beyond my expectations, and because of this, I can honestly say....I will NEVER commit a crime again.
This service did meet my needs, it was very satisfactory , not only did it explain why people feel the urge to steal , but also why they shouldn't.
Yes, I learned alot from the program and it met my needs. However I thing that the reading were written on a much deeper level than is required.
This course DID most certainly meet my needs. I live on my own now at my univesity and I had a lot 'on my plate' last semester and was served a lot of 'tests' and tough situations to deal with as well. So, by me being able to do this on my own time but personally with an instructor was really helpful. I learned several new things; better said new / better ways of thinking about or viewing certain situations. I do not really have many suggestions. The ONLY one that I could maybe think of would be to make sure to be tactful and conscience of the fact that usually if an individual has to take this course, they will have to do so with in a certain time frame. So, being quick to respond (being attentive) would, I feel, be greatly appreciated by everyone.
Suprisingly this class was more intrigueing that I thought. I thought this was going to be read a paragraph and answer some questions and that is it. However, there was plenty to learn. At first I wasn't going to commit any more crimes because of the punishment and embarassment but this class seemed to open some doors in my mind and make me think. I do like the articles and I think it gets through many people.
I thought this course was an educational learning experience on the ethics of life. The chapters involved included strong points that I can take into my own life and apply it in my everyday actions. I learned a lot of valuable information in this Offender Solutions class. Thank you for making this experience easy yet meaningful to my life. No improvement needed!
I did not antictipate enjoying this course as I did. I especially appreciated the sections concerning Licenses. I never truly thought about the fact that, despite knowing that crime was wrong, I had convinced myself in the moments before I commited the crime, that it was ok in that time and place. I had become illogical in those moments. I can see it now, but at the time I thought my line of thinking was completely reasonable. Also I appreciate the clarification of such seemingly simple ideas as learning "why is it wrongl" and what it means to truly "care". I find it interesting that most people would be able to provide an answer to either question fairly quickly and not realize that their answer is lacking. I thoroughly enjoyed this class.
This program is well written and easy to follow. If anyone who takes this program and puts in the time they will get some valuable information from this like I have. I learned that my actions are hurting people and I
also believe that chapter on caring really had an impact. I also felt throughout the program that this was designed to keep me feeling good about myself and that I have options to choose from. I feel I have a better understanding and now have guidelines for future "thinking errors". Thank you.
I think this class has very informal and influencial information and really hope you continue to persue it. It does sem rather length. However, every bit of it was something I took thought to that i read.
Yes very much so your stories are so brilliant and almost real and so sad to realize and know that i done the same thing, i learned about cops and robbers thinking that i didnt know, a better way to connect with ur teacher on line my counselor was great!
I have found Offender Solutions to be very useful in confronting my issues and I am using many of the tools I learned in my job, where I sometimes deal with youths and adults that have engaged in anti-social behavior. The Cops and Robbers thinking, the question DO YOU CARE? is huge. giving the victims of your crimes human faces and human feelings is something that makes a big difference in how offenders regard their crimes. Please feel free to contact me anytime for testimonials and also I'm interested in being a counsellor
Well all I have to say is thank you and you guys did help me out to think not only on my self but for others around me and you guys were great and pacient and you gave me the opportunity finish my class in my on paste I am singel mother that is raising to lil girls and you guys help me to do this and at the same time take care of my daughters thanx :)
This course definitely met my needs. It was not at all what I thought it would be. I thought I would just rush through it and take nothing with me just to get the course done, but in all honesty, I learned some really interesting things that I don't believe I would have considered if it were not for this class. I really can't give any suggestions to improve the course, because it was fine with me. The course objectives were clear to me, but it was not a piece of cake, you actually had to think, which I really appreciate. I now look at this as an opportunity, and not a consequence. The things I learned I can take with me with all other aspects of life.Thank you.
Honestly, I went into this thinking I wouldn't get anything out of it. I went into it thinking it would be like a class in High School. I was totally wrong. I liked that it had other stories about people who had been in the same circumstance as me. I was blown away that someone would steal from their grandmother. I was shocked that people stole because it was like a high for them. Some people didn't need to even steal, they just did it. Its amazing how human beings act. This course met all my needs and I learned A LOT. I would definitely recommend this class to others in the future.
I think that by takeing this class I have learned alot.I learned that punishment doesnt really work for those that steal and that the only person who can stop you is,well,you.
Offender Solutions to me is a very meaningful and educational course. It actually brings your level of thinking a up a notch to reality. I learned a lot of thing about my crime and my self. I know how, when, and what to do if I think, wish, or want to steal. Which after this course I will highly doubt will happen again.
This course definitely met my needs and was very very very convenient with my schedule as well. I learned several things from this program actually: I wasn't aware of licensing, mental rehearsing, circular thinking, and a few others, but everything makes sense. The long chapters were definitely time consuming, but if you have to get something done, you have to get it done. I really enjoyed reading the chapters and answering the questions. I'm much more aware of the rights and wrongs of my crime now even though ultimately it does all come from within me. Thank you for this convenience and knowledge. It is appreciated. Thank you Offender Solutions!
This course was excellent and worked perfect with my schedule to get everything done on time. It helped me understand things that i didn't even concider thinking about. I really have no suggestions for improvement, I think it was excellent and the questions went perfectly with the readings. Thankyou for your time!
I really enjoyed your course, it opened my eyes to several things, not only did I learn how to apply it to my crime, but also it can be applied to other aspects of my life. If you have any other type courses like this I would love to take them. I plan to take this over to my probation officer tomorrow, show him the program and suggest he use it for his other clients. Thank you for working with me on my time limits, I really appreciate that.
I was Very impressed with the course and i am thankful for the positive impact i can see it making on my future and the impact i can see it allready making on my thinking.
This course did open up my eyes beyond what I thought I knew. I'm just very glad the person I worked with didn't judge me or seemed to make me feel below anyone. I think that was my biggest fear...to feel less of a person because of the actions I've committed. Thanks for being a great program. Keep up the good work!!
This course was wonderful, I read all the chapters thoroughly because I never get bored during this. It was so amazing to read and learn from other's experiences and thoughts. I learned a lot from this E-class. I don't have an suggestions to improve it as I think its already covers all major things.
I think that my experience with Offender Solutions gave me an enlighting view about the things that I have done, it taught me to look at other peoples feelings before I do anything selfish. You were very prompt at returning my e-mails and I appreciate you for that.. I reccomend that anyone take this course.
It was a great program, my counselor was very good. I learned a lot of things that needed to be reinforced. I would recommend this class, and this would be a good class for a psychology course. I think something that could make it a little easier for those who can't read too fast are a mini video or recording of someone reading the articles that could be posted online. Other than that, this was pretty good.
I think that Offender Solutions is great. Since i started the program i havent taken anyhting because of what Offender Solutions has taught me. I think its a great program.
-this course answered questions that i didnt know. whenever i answered "why do i not steal anymore" i always responded with because i dont want to get caught, but thats not the right answer. My stealing affecfs alot of
other people besides me.
I think that this course was great. I wasn't really sure what to expect when i signed up to take it but it was more then what I needed. The examples and people that you use in the chapters are great because some of them I feel like I could relate to. I learn alot of different thinks in the program that I never even knew that I did, like "Cops and Robbers" thinking. I can't think of any suggestions. It was a great course, and you helped me get through it efficently and just when i needed to! Thank You
This E course is really helpful. i actually understand more then i can imagine. There are lots of things that have been cleared up after reading and taking this class.
I think that Offender Solutions is great. Since i started the program i havent taken anyhting because of what Offender Solutions has taught me. I think its a grwat program.
Offender Solutions has opened my eyes and made me realize things that I have never realized before. I found out new ways to battle the offender inside me. This course did meet my needs, and as for suggestions, if you can incorporate any pictures, that would make it less plain. but I dont know if you can put any pictures. Other wise I really thought this was good. Thank You.
This course was great, it helped me run through some personal dilemmas while taking care of the legal side
of things. Thanks for all the what not and what have you.
I enjoyed this class. It had alot of good information and if allowed to I would like to go through it again at my own pace. it gave me alot of insight into my mental thinking.
I must say this class met my needs. I learned many things in this class like how to use mental rehearsing to
my advantage and maybe to help my mom learn how to use it to her advantage. The only thing that may make the classes better would be to maybe have a live chat person to talk to during reading and or answering the questions.
Going in I though that this course was going to be a complete waste of time. After reading through the chapters, it helped me realize my criminal history on different levels. The only problem I had with the program was that the readings are incredibly long and I found it hard to concentrate at times. Other than that, I think it was beneficial to me.
Offender Solutions was a great experience because it allowed for me to look at different perspectives about my crime and me. I learned different views and facts that will certainly help me improve my life. I learned a lot about crime and why people do it. I learned about cops and robbers thinking and Licenses, which were very interesting.
The class was very interesting...Gives a person a lot to think about...I actually learned a lot...Only suggestion is that the verbiage could be more simplistic..some words I didn't understand and had to look them up...but that is not necessarily a bad thing...Thank You for your time and very quick responses to me needs...Thank You again
I am grateful my lawyer told me about your company and this course. It is the best thing that happened to me since I was arrested. It is God's answer to my prayer when I ask him to help me with this problem of mine.
I felt the Offender Solutions was a great program. I learned a lot and it was very thorough. I hope more counties and programs start to use your program more.
Yes, this course met my needs. I learned the real thinking behind the criminal mind, and the myths the public often goes by. I now have a better understanding of crime. No suggestions that I can offer, this program was very influential.
I learned a lot from this course. I received information that was both helpful and useful. What I learned, I can take that information and teach my grandchildren.
I want to thank you for developing this course for first time offenders. I would like to make one suggestion and that is to maybe have this course beside on line, but also where others could communicate with others i.e. Blackboard or message board. That way if someone if having problems with some of the chapters or questions they can go into a chat room and talk about it.
I feel this course would help a lot of would be offenders before they do the crime. I think you should have this course available to school age kids. If you teach them early then they will think twice before doing anything wrong.
Thank you for having this course available to me, you saved my life, my future and gave me a better way of living.
I would really like to take the time to thank you Offender Solutions, your program has enlighten the reasons of my situations. Your programs has made me realize my mistakes in my past and present. You have enlighten my mind that I know I will take care of business the rightful way and have a meaningful relationship with my family. Thank you so much and thank for eveything.
These are all things that I never really thought of before.
This course relly met my needs in so many more ways than one. I learned alot more than I bargained for. I learned alot of new things in this program, like more about humanity, thought processing in several different ways, theory, behavior, a wealth of literature. I believe the class covers almost everything that I can think of and more when it comes to thinking of crime and the intervention of stopping someone to commit it.
I thought that this was a wonderful experience for me. You guys really do have a great thing going here. I have a busy life and really didn't have the time to do this theft class any other way!! Thanks a lot.
This course taught me more then i ever expected, i unerstand that i have to make the dicision and i can not rely on any one to make it for me. I understand that my thoughts are directily linked to my actions and i must control and change my thoughts to change my life. I understand that my actions have direct consicions on other people that i am hurting people in many diffrent ways. I know that i care about other people and i don't want to see them hurting so i will not hurt them with actions anymore. Thank you for all that you have done for me and my family. I will be able to give them a better life knowing that i will not hurt my family any more with my actions. thank you very much.
This was great! i came into this thinking it was going to be a bunch of stupid obvious nonsense. but it turned out to be a great lesson! i have to admit it, i was actually interested and englightened! thanks!
I think it is a very good program that teaches alot of information not only about stealing but taking other's feelings into consideration and also information I will use the rest of my life . I have learned alot in this program and have enjoyed it . Thanks !
This course was far more valuable than I thought or expected. I truly anticipated this class being a "don't do it; because its wrong and you will be punished class. I did not expect it to go this deep or go to the heart of the issue. I learned a lot and it made me think more about what I did and WHO it affected. I don't think I have recommendations for improvements - just to say that the practical examples and stories are very effective at driving the point home and in helping make it practical and useful.
I think that this program is pretty good, for the reason that they got some pretty good stories and there staff are pretty prompt when you are done with a chapter. I think these course would does meet my needs, to bad that I didn't know about this class 9 years ago but I'm grate full that I'm done. I learn allot of different opinions in why crime is wrong and all of them are good and also I printed some of this stories for my son now that he scan read. I don't have any suggestions. : )
This course was actually just perfect for me. I think it helped me to really re-examine myself, and it honestly did help me to understand how people, and not just big faceless corporations, are hurt when they are stolen from.You were just awesome. I needed to get it done as soon as possible, and you were so great on helping me do that. I learned so much! I think this course is just perfect they way it is, thank you so much!
The experience with the Offender Solutions was great. The service is great and I have learnt so much from this course. The truth is that if I hadnt taken this class I would not have changed but after reading all those chapters it really changed my way of thinking. I am thankful to the Offender Solutions to making me understand the value of time and other peoples lives.
My experience with Offender Solutions was fast and something i will never forget. I did learn something out of this and I will keep this lesson with me for the rest of my life. Everything made so much sense to me. Thank you for this experience and no improvement is needed for your online class.
Although I didn't want to take this class because I was falsely accused, I learned some things that I didn't know and this was a very interesting class. The class couldn't have been a better experience and I feel no need for improvement.
I have to say I rather enjoyed taking this class. It opened my eyes to alot of things and pulled out alot of questions and answer I didn't know I had. It helped me learn alot about what I did and the reasons behind it. Thank you very much for opening my eyes.
This course met all my needs and finally made me realize how I have affected others as well as myself. I learned alot of new things such as thinking methods that will help me in the future. I do think that maybe this program could summarize every chapter at the end to make the offender aware of what it is he/she is thinking and learning about because some of the chapters go off topic.
This course was an obligation for probation, but I got more out of it than just an obligation. I learned about several thing and it helped to understand the way of thinking for a person like me.
THANK YOU SO MUCH for making me aware of my motives, thinking and a way out. I feel like a better person for having taken this course. Also, wheen I talk to my kids about stealing, boy will I have
a lot of wisdom to impart!
Lisa, A special thanks to you. Your experience helped me through this and will continue to help me for some time to come, I'm sure.
This course certainly enlightened me. I've been wrong. I have been selfish. I have not cared for others the way that I should. I never knew that I used cops and robbers or that I scanned. These are new terms to me and showed me that it's a multistepped action that I can choose to stop at many different moments. I need to bring out the caring for others by thinking about the consequences of my actions to the victims of my crime. I need to refresh the empathy I have for others in myself. I was educated in how the process works and why it is wrong. I was given information that I needed in order for my wrong thinking to be corrected. I was shown that people do care about other people and I am going to be one of those people.
It is a wonderful course, absolutely met all the requirements, it gives a new perspective of looking at your life and teaches to gain your self esteem back. I learned a lot of new concepts about CARE, humanity and self respect. It perfectly covers the requirements for the class and should be kept as it is.
i took this program as a joke when i first found out that i had to do this. i felt like it was crazy to have a class for people like me, but i learned a lot and i respect what you counslors are doing. i feel now if i care so much about what people think of me i won't be committing crimes again. thanks
Yes the course met my needs. I learned to think things through. It made me think about the type of person I am and want to be. No suggestions for improvement.
I really enjoyed this method of learning. I felt like I was actually in a class room because of the e-mail responses I would get after each assignment. This is a great way for busy people to complete this course. I really did learn a lot from this course. It made me think even deeper about my actions. Thanks!
I really enjoyed the class it most definitely meet my needs and I learned a lot I do want to say thank you i have never had my eyes opened to the hurt i was causing others that was a real wake up call to me. Thank you again for helping me to see this was not a victimless crime.
I think is a very effective class, Lisa you are an excellent teacher, and the whole entire class is perfect. I had a great experience with the class.
I thought that this program was well thought out and laid out in chapters that followed a sense of progression and increasing knowledge. Very well done.
I actually appreciated the fact that the course can be conducted on my own time and in the privacy of my own home. The course did meet my needs, and I learned a lot with the program. Great Job!
Thanks for this course. I honestly believe that this course has helped me become a better person. This course has also helped me to prevent others from leading a life of crime.
This class has been a real eye opener for me. I have learned many different things through this course and am glad that i took it. Thank You so much for sending me all the assignments so that i was able to finish on time!! Yall have and amazing program and it has affected me greatly. Keep up the good work and god bless.
I loves this class, I learned so so so much about what can become an addiction for me so I can catch myself before I get to bad on this problem, this court met my needs very well and was by far very helpful, my nstructor was the greatest with communicating with me and understanding my situations.
They class really opened my eyes to what i was doing i really had never thought that i was hurting anyone and now that i know i did i feel horrible about what i did and i never want to do that again...offender solutions has changed me for the better and i thank you for helping me through this.
Going into this course i truly did not expect to learn anything, i thought that i would just go through this and not even think about it. But when reading the chapters and reading the small stories i relized a lot more then i thought and i learned more then i thought. This book really got me thinking about how wrong I've been. As far as suggestions for improvements i can't think of any i believe that its it everything is said and shown how it should be.
Wow, I JUST finished the Offender Solutions On Line Class, and I just want to say that this course has really opened my eyes. It makes you really think and wonder about your answers and it really puts things into perspective. I think that I really learned what I needed to from this program and even more.
I e njoyed it throughly. a suggestion i can think of would be to ask for examples of these things being asked from your student on line from every chapter, it enables the reader to feel more apart of the class and understand how every situation relates... you know like feed back on personal experience... i cant really think of other suggestions, i loved this class, i actually provoked q. and a. out of people around me during the duration of my class. Thank you so much for this, i was sitting here distracted and feeling blue about other things and finishing this has really opened my eyes and actually made me feel better know and understand what i should have already been able to conclude from life, but i guess i needed the direction of where to find what i really needed to be able to look at myself the way I auto be looked at, dishonest, hurtful, inconsiderate and ignorant, again thank you so much.
The Offender Solutions class taught me a lot by helping me realize what we can do to other people when we commit crimes. This course did meet my needs and I know realize that what I did was wrong.
This course met my needs and I actually learned alot, more than I had planned. Everything about that this course taught was pretty new to me. Keep up the good work.
This course helped me understand that someone is always going to be affected by what i do. In America we are granted with a freedom. That freedom also allows me to make choices. If I would have asked myself in the first place DO I CARE I would have never done what I did. I'm glad I could learn this before Randy did lol!!!!
I believe that Offender Solutions helped me a lot. I didn't know that I would learn so much coming into it... also didn't know that it would be so convenient, referring to the online class. I believe that I got a lot out of the class, even though I never had to leave my house to finish it. The course did meet my needs... like I said, I learned a lot. It was good information.
This course met my needs and went over the top. I learned alot of new things. Thank you for helping my get this done so easily and quickly.
I think this was an excellent course, it really made me think about what I did and why I did it. I think it was great in the fact I can do it in a very timely manner or move quicker depending on my needs. I dont think I
could think of anything needed to make it better. I appreciate all of your help and am glad I chose this course.
Please let me know if I need to do anything else.
I honestly thought it was good. Long but very well thought out. I learned a ton from this program. I didnt think one could learn this much from a class like this.
The class was fantastic experience which I enjoyed and IT meets my needs and more. All I learned was interesting AND it will change my life for ever.
I liked the course very much it made me think of alot of things that maybe I think I had in the back of my mind but I never thought about it. I thought actally went very well when I thought I didn't understand something it was soon cleared up by the end of that chapter of in the next chapter. I thank you and this for all its help.
I thought Offender Solutions was fast and easy. I thought that it let me see into what I didn't know about people who commit criemes.
I actually liked the program and felt that it was a good way to interact with people.
Yes, this course meet my needs and give the insite to look inside myself and learn more of who I am as a person. It also gave the reasons and conviction to expect that I made an mistake and learn from it. I felt it was informative, insiteful, educational and fulfilling.
The course met my needs sufficiently. I learned a great deal of information about the process of stealing and how it can be corrected. I cannot think of any improvements, because I was taught everything I needed to realize what I did was wrong and I will not steal again.
I have learned a lot about problem thinking. I think the chapters were very well written and provide a lot of insight for anyone that reads. I can't say I enjoyed it but I did learn a great deal. Thanks
I enjoyed the class. I liked the fact that the information was very useful. The stories were an insight to how the process of theft works. It was amazing how accurate the information was. I felt comfortable sharing my information in this type of environment. I always felt like I was being asked to look inside of myself for answers instead of information simply being thrown at me. I don't have any suggestions for the class, I think it was handled well. I am very thankful that I was treated with respect during the entire course instead of being identified by my previous actions.
This coarse helped because it makes you put into perspective and consider how badly my behavir affects everyone including yourself. Having to write it on paper, shows a definite understanding of the material you read. :]
I had a pretty good experience with Offender Solutions class it helped me alot to understand a little more about my thought process and it helped me realize my problem alot more. I have also found out that it can not only affect my life but it can also affect others as well and that was one of the most appealing things to me. I never even realized before this call that when I go to most department stores I do not even have to have stealing on my mind and I will catch myself scanning for cameras. Thank You very much Offender Solutions.
My comments is that this eclass has served me well during this difficult process for me. E-mail responses were done expediently and they seemed to be legitimately concerned with helping the client. Thank You.
This was one of the most benficial classes i have ever taken. it gave me a broad view and changed my views on things not only on stealing, but on a variety of levels. i would highly recommended to anyone in need of counseling for this matter. i learned alot of new stuff that i didnt before, and it helped me to be a better person, and certainly more wise too.
I'm not sure what suggestions to offer, I just know that I came into this course telling myself that I knew I was wrong and I just had to go through this and get it done, but I came out with a better understanding of why I was wrong, and that is never a bad thing. Thank you
I liked it. The counselor worked with me to complete the course before my court date. The course met my needs. Most everything I read was new knowledge. No suggestions.
I think I got more out of your program than if I would have done an all day class with 20 other people. I think a lot of time and studies were put in to your chapters. It provides a lot of help for anyone with problems.
I really appreciate you allowing me to get through this quickly, and I really did learn alot, about not only my own thought process but also what drove me to behave this way and why I really will NEVER do it again. Thanks! Have a great day!
Surprisingly, this class did have a positive impact on my life. I came into this class with the attitude of Im only here because i have to be and dont care about what you have to say because i didnt think i have a problem. I just hadnt put it in perspective until i started taking this class. Other people besides myself were affected by my decisions, and I learned that after reading other peoples stories in your class and reading your opinions through out the chapters. I dont have to many suggestions, just that some of the chapters were INCREDIBLY long haha. I guess thats part of the class though. You covered everything from whow people think, to how to get out of thinking that way, to who they impact. I cant think of anything else that you could add to your class.
I did learn a lot from this program. These were concepts I had never read or heard before or at least not presented in this format. I think it would be great to have a more interactive experience online. Perhaps mix a video with the reading. Have scenarios play out based on the reading and have the student select which scenario matches which definition or concept. Or the student can be given "what if" situations and decide how the person in the scenario should continue based on the techniques learned in the lesson. Thank you for the course and for a fresh perspective and valuable life lessons. I am appreciative.
I kinda enjoyed it. I was eventually kinda wondering what I would learn next. And I'm really glad that I learned the answers that I did. I mean, it did seem like an obvious answers, but it surprised me a little, too. Yes, this course did meet my needs. I learned a lot from this program. I can't think of anything you guys would need to change. Thank you for opening my eyes.
This course was great. I truly enjoyed reading all the assignments and wanted to put my heart into it. I thank you for all your personalized help. If people read the assigments and answer the questions truly.they will get something out of it.
Theft CLASS WAS VERY INFORMATIVE and exceeded my needs.
I loved the fact that this course actually made me confront my personal demons. Even in the smallest way this course made me feel a little better, and feel like there is hope for my parents and I. I can't think of any mprovements, and I can honestly say that I owe you a tremendous amount, for helping me with this problem and being there as a guardian in such a way that I have someone to talk to. Thank you so much and
God Bless!
I feel this class met my needs tremendously, I have learned things concerning myself and the reason behind what I doand the mental rehearsing, as well as the Cops and Robbers thinking. Everything I read in this segment was new to me.
I want to thanks Offender Solutions online class for teaching me all the good stuff the I need to know. I had learned alot from this Class and I hope that this class will help me stop making bad choices so if I learn all of this chapters then I must stop. Thanks so muck to your online class for teaching me the right stuff.
I feel this course was meaningful and made me think about what I did. Also it helped me to prevent making the same mistake in the future. I learned well with the individual chapters and the stories helped as well. The experienced turned out much better than expected. Thank you.
This course met my needs. I learned a lot. I have no suggestions for improvement, It's PERFECT!
I really appreciate this program. I liked that it detailed and named the thoughts and emotions that occurt. I think that having the stories made it real and I appreciated the counselor's statements after each chapter. I think that it met all of my needs and I did learn new things that I was glad to have learned. Thank you very much for all of your help and support.
It exceeded my needs. I benefited more than I expected to.
I thought the readings were interesting and the main concepts were thought provoking. I can see using what I learned to benefit other areas of my life.
This course met my needs, I learned who the true victim of my crime was and how I victimized them. i have no suggestions because you have helped me and i didn't have any problems with this course. thank you.
I really related to the online class. I discovered things about myself and why I think the way I do after reading this. It definitely met my needs and went above and beyond what I expected. I learned a lot about myself and about my decision making.
My experience has been extremley beneficial. I have come to understand why so many people who lead non eventful, "normal" lives (like myself :]) would actually succome to committing a crime. I have come to learn so much about why I myself actually though about it, observed, complied with my thoughts, and got caught. I was really intrigued by the Circular Thinking chapter and how it affects so many types of people. I think this class is a definite "time saver", is convenient, and fulfilled me the information required to come to terms with what has happened and how to overcome it. I could not think of another way to possibly improve what is already
such an astounding program. I'd like to take the time to thank the staff at Offender Solutions for what they do on a day to day basis and my instructor for getting the assignments and all material to me in such a timely manner. Thank you for this course and a chance to get my life back. Thank you so much.
I thought this course covered everything and was helpful to me. I also learned that if I stop and think about who and what I care about it will change my mind in bad situations. Offender Solutions would be easier if it wasn't done through email. Its difficult to read those stories, click back to answer questions, and then have to email everything. Overall I think you have a good program!
I have one word to describe it :AWESOM!
Yes, I liked it and it was a pretty good learing course. It made me realize a few things I didn't know. I learned that people including myself have made up excuses to do what they know is wrong. This program wasn't as bad as I thought.
I personally enjoyed this class. The questions and scenarios provided were very easy to understand and helps you realize why you did what you did and how to correct it as well as correct your thinking inside yourself and toward others.
I learned a lot from this course. I will take all this information with me where ever I go. It is useful and very true. I wouldn't change anything about the course. If people choose to not change their ways after this course then, in my opinion, they are not ready to grow up and care about others. Thank you very much for this course. And thank you for helping me out. I really appreciate everything that you have done.
I think the course was good except for that last chapter not being complete. I do feel like I have learned a different way of looking at myself and will share my experience form this course with my children. And teach them what I have learned here.
i think Offender Solutions was a very good experience. it did meet my needs and i leard alot from it.
This course was an eye opening experience. I also have awakened myself in to the thought processes I go through that cause me to possibly want to behave like that - like cops and robbers and such. Now that I realize these thoughts, I can make a conscience effort to block the thoughts from ever entering my head again. My counselor was also very professional at understanding the urgency of my time situation, and was always quick to respond. Thanks.
This course is amazing it truly had an effect on me.
It gave me confidence to never let myself do something like this again and I am extremely thankful that it was offered to me.
I did learn a lot from this program. The respose time for my next lesson was decent and I could ask my offendersolutions counsler for help if I needed it. The stories in the class were very well worded and I liked how there was real life experiences in them. I think I learned much from this class. There were a lot of good quotes that really got me thinking.
It explained everything that i thought people didnt know and it also told me some things that i didnt know myself. I really dont think that the corse needs too much more it seems to have hit all of my questions, problems and concerns. I am glad that i took this class i actually have better knowledge of what my crime did to the world and why i dont need to ever do these things again. Thank u
I found the readings to be very enlightening to reveal the thought process behind my attempted crime.My only suggestions are that the chapters main points are prolonged by too many examples and stories, but other than that, I have no complaints. Thank you for providing an online class. It was very convenient for me to access the reading in privacy over this shameful matter.
The course changed my thoughts about what I did. I got alot out of this course. I thought it covered the subjects perfectly. If a person really trys to absorb this course it will work. Thank you.
Its amazing I actually learned so much from this course, and I do alot of your mental exercises, like mental rehearsing but now I force positive mental rehearsing. Its a great course and I think it should be made available for the general public, its great insight into our minds and behaviors.
I enjoyed it. I didnt think as much about the pyschological impact of my acats before reading some of the chapters here. Thank you for the opportunity to take this course. It has helped me to stop my self from thinking about things that can not only hurt me but also others.
I had a very positive experience with Offender Solutions. Although materials were sent via email through long distance learning, I have learnt some very, very important life lessons from my OS counselor. She was responsive and very encouraging.
I really learned a lot but I hate that the only way I learned anything was to committee a crime! And that I have to hurry up and finish, it made me do a lot of thinking about what I did and how to move on from that! You are really dedicated to helping people change for the better, not only that but you let people know up front look change starts with you. I think that Offender Solutions is a very helpful solid program
I learned so much from these exercises, I didn't realize how emotional it could have gotten. I learned a lesson I probably won't ever forget. The course is good and I don't think there needs to be any changes. Thank you.
I enjoyed this class very much. At first I had doubts that it was going to do anything for me, but after just reading the first section, I completely changed my mind. It helped me realize I was the only one who influenced myself into doing it. It has changed my look at the whole situation. I defiantly shall say that your class is a helpful class. Thank your for the experience and help.
I have typed up and pasted on my wall DO I CARE by way of constant reminder about life's lesson in general. This to me was the optimal message in the program.
This course was great. I didn't feel beat up on, and most importantly it made me think. It took me back to my childhood when my parents first taught me what was right and wrong. Back then things were simple, cut and dry. It was not until I got older that I may have started to complicate or compromise the simple right and wrong of it all. I really appreciate that. I also appreciate the convenience of it all, thank you.
This program was very helpful, short, and meaning full.
This is an exellent program for offenders. Even though i dont normally commit crime, it made me think about how crime has a huge effect on other people. Great work guys! keep it up! thanks a lot i really appreciate it.
Excellent class which should cause most people taking it to spend a considerable amount of time in self-reflection.
My experience with Offender Solutions has been a memorable one I didnt know that I could learn so much in this little bit of time. last week I didnt know with cicurlar thinking mental thinking cops and robbers was and I want to take this time to thank you for making me take the time out to see how my behavior impacts others and so thank you for making me realize.
Course was exceptional, i enjoyed and was able to learn alot, more than when i started, it opened some eyes and enjoyable reading. I had a great person as an Offender Solutions counselor who helped me along the way for ever i am in her debt. Thank you all for your help and course.. I would recommend it to anyone.
Thank you for your responses and attentiveness to my time frame.At first I really didng want to do this but I am thankful I did. It did meet my needs and opened up my thinking processes too. I feel the program isgreat, maybe a forum for the nameless, unless they want to share their name and also their experience, could be established if your clients approved.People who would want to share their experience and give encouragement to others? Sharing and supporting one another is a good thing. Thank you I have reestablished my thinking and truly know that caring is very important.Sincerely
The course was much better and interesting that I had expected. I did not know that such a thing as mental rehearsing and Cops and Robbers Thinking existed. The readings and true accounts were very interesting and it kept me going until I read the entire passage. I learned a new way of defining the act of caring and the licenses that I make to make my actions okay. It was very interesting and educating. There is really not much Offender Solutions to improve on because I do not regret one bit that I took this course.
I didnt think I would learn about anything because it was only my first time commiting a crime
but I learned so so much!.
Offender Solutions was very helpful to me and I learned things about myself that I never knew about. Honestly, there are no suggestions that I could make to improve, everything was perfect. This was a experience that I will never forget.
Taking a theft class, theft course or attending a theft school can be a very helpful way to guide your life away from stealing, shoplifting or other theft behaviors which in the short run are very appealing. But, in the long run a life as a theft offender, a life of stealing, shoplifting etc., is one which leads to a dissatisfied and unfulfilled life. Certainly some people are down and out and, as such, feel the need to steal, shoplift, or commit some other form of theft but let me say... there are always options which work better than stealing. Think about your options - there are always options to stealing, shoplifting or other forms of theft. A theft class / theft course or shoplifting class can help!
Take a theft class from Offender Solutions®.
Take an anger management class from Offender Solutions®.Get started on a better life - now!